Bus Routes

Bus Identification

All buses have a coloured symbol in the window for easy identification. Please ensure your child knows which bus they need to be on each day. Grade 1-12 students who missed the bus in the morning will not be allowed to catch the bus at noon.

Due to construction, students normally picked up at Welsh Cres and Bayview Pl will temporarily get on/off the bus at Welsh Cres & Hogan Dr or at Cressey Dr & Hogan Dr.

Buses follow the same route for drop-offs after school. The Red Square bus leaves the school at 3:25. All other buses leave the school at 3:40.

Red Square Morning Pick-Up (PK-4)

Red Square Noon Drop-Off/Afternoon Pick-Up (PK & K)

Green Triangle Morning Pick-Up (5-7)

Yellow Circle Morning Pick-Up (Grade 8-9)

Blue Star Morning Pick-Up (Grade 10-12)