Elementary Bells
8:47 warning bell
8:52 entrance bell
10:00 1-3 recess bell
10:15 1-3 end recess bell, 4-6 recess bell
10:30 4-6 end recess bell
11:30 1-3 lunch bell
11:50 1-3 lunch recess bell,
12:00 4-6 lunch bell
12:20 1-3 end lunch recess, 4-6 recess lunch bell
12:50 4-6 end lunch recess
2:00 1-3 recess bell
2:15 1-3 end recess bell, 4-6 recess bell
2:30 4-6 end recess bell
3:30 dismissal bell
All students arriving after 8:52 or 1:00 are considered late and must check in at the office before going to class.
High School Bells
8:52 warning bell
8:55 classes start
9:58 break
10:06 warning bell
10:08 end of break
11:11 end of slot 2
11:16 start of slot 3
12:19 lunch
1:04 warning bell
1:09 classes start
2:12 break
2:20 warning bell
2:22 slot 5 starts
3:25 dismissal bell
All students must be in class when the bell rings, or they are considered late and must check in at the office.
All outside doors to the school are locked at 9:00am, with the exception of the Office doors. Any students arriving late must enter through this door and get a late slip from the office before going to class.